Benjamin Lang

Profile image of Benjamin Lang

Ben Lang is a doctoral candidate in philosophy at Blackfriars College. He holds an MA in bioethics from New York University and a BA in philosophy from Furman University.

His research interests centre around moral responsibility and AI, specifically within the context of human-AI collaboration or interaction (i.e., self-driving vehicles, diagnostic or prognostic medical AI, chatbots whose intended function is pedagogical, psychotherapeutic, or aimed at providing companionship, etc.).


Selected publications:

  • Lang, Benjamin H., J.S. Blumenthal-Barby, Sven Nyholm. “Responsibility Gaps and Black Box Healthcare AI: Shared Responsibilisation as a Solution.” Digital Society (Forthcoming).
  • Hurley, Meghan E., Benjamin H. Lang, and Jared N. Smith. “Therapeutic Artificial Intelligence: Does Agential Status Matter?” The American Journal of Bioethics 23, no. 5 (May 4, 2023): 33–35.  
  • Lang, Benjamin H. 2022. “Are Physicians Requesting a Second Opinion Really Engaging in a Reason-Giving Dialectic? Normative Questions on the Standards for Second Opinions and AI.” Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (4): 234–35. 10.1136/medethics-2022-108246. 
  • Lang, Benjamin. 2021. “Concerning a Seemingly Intractable Feature of the Accountability Gap.” Journal of Medical Ethics, April, medethics-2021-107353. medethics-2021-107353


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