AI in Social Care Summit 2025 - Event Schedule

Driving forward the conversation on AI and Social Care. 

This event has been organised by the Institute for Ethics in AI at the University of Oxford, the Digital Care Hub, and Casson Consulting

Event Schedule - Thursday, 27 March 

9:30-10:00  -  Registration & Networking

10:00-10:20  -  Welcome & Introductions

10:20-11:00  -  In conversation: Why are we here? Overview of work to date - Dr Caroline Green, Institute of Ethics in AI, Oxford University; Katie Thorn, Digital Projects Lead, Digital Care Hub; Daniel Casson, Managing Director, Casson Consulting

11:00-11:30  -  Refreshments & Networking Break

11:30-12:30  -  AI in Practice: How is it already being used and what’s coming next? - Chair: Dr Jane Townson OBE, Chief Executive Office, Homecare Association with speakers Gill Horne, Rowcroft Hospice; Peter Zein, Expert by Experience, Kent Council; Jacky Morton, Head of Customer Success, Sentai; Alice Ainsworth, Deputy Director, Adult Social Care Technology Policy & SRO for Digitising Social Care programme

12:30-13:30  -  Lunch Break

13:30-14:30 -  Ethical and Responsible Use of Generative AI - Chair: Dr Donald Macaskill, Chief Executive, Scottish Care with speakers Jennifer Pearl, Expert by Experience, National Co-Production Advisory Group; John Boyle, Founder, A14U Consultancy; Professor Kate Hamblin, Director, ESRC Centre for Care and lead at IMPACT; Julia Ross, Chair, British Association of Social Workers

14:30-15:15  -  International Panel: Ethical AI in an international care context - Speakers Dr Samir Sinha, Professor of Family and Community Medicine/Geriatrician, University of Toronto; Dr Christoph Ellssel, Catholic University of Applied Sciences, Munich; Silvia Perel-Levin, Consultant and Advocate for Health and Human Rights of Older Persons, Geneva 

15:15-15:45  -  Refreshments & Networking Break

15:45-16:15  -  The Oxford Statement: updates on a shared understanding of responsible use of generative AI

16:15-16:30  -  Summary and next steps 

16:30-17:45  -  Networking Reception 


For more information on the speakers please follow this link: AI in Social Care Summit 2025 - Speakers Page | Ethics in AI

  • Registrations for this event are now closed. Spaces are limited, if you have registered and can no longer attend please email to let us know: