Bryce Goodman

bryce goodman

Bryce Goodman is affiliated with the Institute, the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities.

He has served as Chief Strategist for AI at the United States Department of Defense’s Innovation Unit, Senior Contributing Scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund and Partner at The Cantellus Group. He is a graduate of Deep Springs College, the University of Oxford and Singularity University. 


Research interests:

Bryce’s research broadly seeks to understand, from a philosophical and policy perspective, what it is that AI can / should do, what it cannot / should not do, and how to tell the difference. He also develops AI for interspecies communication, ocean conservation and humanitarian assistance / disaster response. Other interests include Mahayana Buddhism, ethics of disinformation and the writings of John Gray.

Selected publications:


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