Ethics in AI Lunchtime Research Seminars - Knowledge, Power, and the Politics of AI

Jackie Kay

Ethics in AI Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 15th November, 12:30pm - 1:30pm

With guest speaker Jackie Kay (UCL)

Abstract: Recent advances in generative models are precipitating a crisis of AI-enabled misinformation, motivating further technical solutions to automate the moderation of facts. Yet within these systems, notions of "knowledge" and "facts" are either not rigorously defined, or follow a naive realist model, which excludes the possibility of nuanced and diverse viewpoints. In this talk, I will present an alternative model of knowledge as a material-discursive interaction between a knowing agent and the (virtual or physical) world, and discuss my in-progress thinking on its implications for the practice of building and evaluating generative AI systems and the limitations of knowledge in machines.

Jackie Kay is dual-affiliated as a Research Engineer at DeepMind and PhD student at the UCL AI Centre, supervised by Marc Deisenroth and Shakir Mohamed. Their prior technical experience includes robotics, reinforcement learning, and generative AI, and their interdisciplinary research spans applications of critical theory and queer theory to the field of machine learning and the philosophy of benchmarking and evaluating AI.