Performance and art exhibition of AI-generated and inspired music and art
FREE, but booking is required, register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hear-and-now-the-sound-of-contagion-tickets-192244998967
The Sound of Contagion team are pleased to present a performance of AI-generated and AI-inspired musical compositions by British composers Rob Laidlow and Marco Galvani alongside researchers on the SoC project. This performance is part of the Oxford-Berlin Partnerships Scheme. Berlin-based narrative theorist Wenzel Mehnert will read the AI-generated text alongside the performance by classical and vocals ensemble Bandwidth, and Oxford-based researcher Chelsea Haith will provide commentary on the project's origins and future.
The event will be followed by a wine reception and an exhibition of works by South African artist Sara Laubscher in the beautifully refurbished Buttery at Wolfson. Laubscher's works are inspired by the AI-generated text, also titled Sound of Contagion. Her original compositions have been fed back into the algorithm to produce new works which will be exhibited alongside the originals.
Audience members are encouraged to reflect on what makes a creator creative and how we think about authorship, artistry, and composition as products of human creativity in an age of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Sound of Contagion team