Imogen Rivers is a doctoral candidate at the Institute for Ethics in AI and a David Karmel Scholar at Gray’s Inn.
During the BPhil in Philosophy (Distinction, 2021-2023, St Cross College), which she completed under the auspices of the Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme, she specialised in AI ethics and legal philosophy (Supervisor: John Tasioulas). Prior to that, she completed the Master of Physics and Philosophy degree (First Class, 2017-2021, Balliol College) with a thesis on causation and responsibility in collective wrongdoing cases (Supervisor: Alex Kaiserman).
Her research on AI ethics in the law spans questions of ethics (e.g., how can we ensure that AI decision-making is accurate and fair?), responsibility (e.g., how should we allocate responsibility under international humanitarian law for wrongful harms caused by lethal autonomous weapons?) and rights (e.g., should certain autonomous robots have legal rights?). During the DPhil in Philosophy (2023-2025, St John’s College), she will also be completing the Graduate Diploma in Law (2023-2025, Oxford Brookes) with a research focus studying the impacts of AI technology on IP law. In her free time, she enjoys running, birdwatching and gardening.