Lyceum Project: Practitioners' Panel

Practitioners' Panel: Major figures from the technical, entrepreneurial, and regulatory spheres of AI, discuss the practical dimensions of philosophy and ethics in AI. 

Chair: Prof Fotini Christia, Ford International Professor of the Social Sciences, Director, MIT Sociotechnical Systems Research Centre (SSRC)


  • Prof Costis Daskalakis, Avanessians Professor of Computer Science, EECS and CSAIL, MIT
  • Mr Brendan McCord, Founder and Chair, Cosmos Institute and Visiting Fellow, St Catherine's College at University of Oxford
  • Prof Alondra Nelson, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; former principal deputy director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Prof Yuval Shany, Hebrew University, Jerusalem/University of Oxford, former chair of the UN Human Rights Committee