We hold a regular schedule of events which confront the big questions in AI, bringing together experts in different fields. Events are held online and in-person and each one is open to the public. You can watch previous events, and learn about upcoming events, by subscribing to our YouTube page.
Institute Events
Institute Events
AI Ethics-related Events
Upcoming Events
Past Events
The Institute welcomes the Robert Walmsley University Professor (Harvard) Professor Cass R. Sunstein for this engaging talk
The Institute welcomes philosopher Professor Mark Coeckelberg for this engaging talk.
Postdoctoral research fellows Dr Charlotte Unruh and Dr Linda Eggert, along with Dr Luise Muller hosted a two-day workshop on the 8th and 9th December at Freie Universitat Berlin.
On the 4th and 5th December, the Institute hosted a workshop on the topic of AI and the future of work.